In 2017, SASNET's One Month Position to prepare a research application at Lund University went to PhD scholar Shveta Soam. Shveta Soam applied for a collaborative research project entitled: "Comparative environmental and economic analysis of biomass waste utilization strategies for biofuel production in Sweden and India".
For the third year after 2015 and 2016, SASNET invited researchers at Lund University to apply for a one month position (”ansökningsmånad”) at SASNET in which to prepare a research application with a South Asian focus.
Shveta Soam was a PhD scholar working at DBT-IOC Centre for Advanced Bioenergy Research, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, R&D Centre, Faridabad. Shveta Soam was asked by Professor Pål Börjesson, working at the Division of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies at the Department of Technology and Society (Lund University) to write an application in the name of the Department of Technology and Society. Shveta Soam and Pål Börjesson had been working in collaboration since 2014, and have successfully completed three research projects. The outcome of these projects has been published in peer-reviewed international journals. Therefore, in this regard, they again seeked to apply for a collaborative research project. Shveta Soam stayed in Lund during her One Month Position.