Innovation For Good Award 2015 and 2016
The #InnovationForGood Award was arranged in India during 2015 and 2016 in collaboration between SASNET and Centre for Work Technology and Social Change (WTS) at Lund University.
Prize winners 2016
Paul D'Souza representing Touché
The first prize winner of the #InnovationForGood Award is Touché.
The motiivation: This innovation can assist millions of people worldwide to information that others take for granted. By using digital technology, they make sure that people with visual impairments have cost effective access to new age technology and content.
Honorary prizes
Aditi Gupta representing Menstrupedia
The motiivation: Menstrupedia is a platform promoting human rights by various activities in order to create awareness of menstruation, something that should be part of everyday knowledge for all people on the planet.
Lokesh Khemani and Rupesh Mandal representing Spothole
The motiivation: Spothole App creates awareness of a common obstacle in the landscape. By combining crowdfunding and crowdsourcing they make people report about potholes. The potential of this app is much bigger then the great city of Mumbai.
Prize winner 2015
Centre for Work, Technology and Social Change in collaboration with SASNET at Lund University are proud to announce the first prize winner of #innovationforgood award. Factly,
The winner of the #innovationforgood award goes to Factly. In a day and age where news just goes viral, it’s critical that lay people have a platform to check facts, if they so desire. Factly innovative approach of factually storytelling and representing public data in a easily consumable format for the digital platform and audience made it a winner for the #innovationforgood award.
Two applications were also awarded with honorary prizes.
India Loves Pakistan,
The honorary award goes to a project that creates a better understanding for a neighbour by using digital technology. History, politics and culture blends together when realizing how much you can gain from your friends on the other side of the border. We are looking forward to see this project grow and we realize how much understanding and knowledge about a neighbour can mean. Love is better than scepticism.
Citizen Matters,
The honorary award goes to the Citizen Matters Community Media Platform for the creation of an innovative and value sensitive approach to journalism. The overarching ambition of the project is to contribute to community development and the empowerment of citizens through the use of new technology and online resources. The project showcase the potential that lies in combining journalism and activism without losing sight of the importance of building information on facts.