Mashiur Rahman
Mashiur Rahman from the Department of Sociology at Dhaka University in Bangladesh, did a short-term fellowship at the Department of Sociology in May till June 2015.
SASNET asked Mashiur five questions after his leave.
Who are you?
Md. Mashiur Rahman, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
What did you do at Lund University?
2015 - Post-doctoral; Lund University, Sweden
2011 -PhD in Sociology; Lund University, Sweden
What did your time at Lund University bring to your research?
Got the feeling of purely research and teaching based Lund University where the central focus was modern library, excellent supervision, very friendly department for international students. The South Asian Swedish Network was very homely, significant and effective to me. I found the beautiful, calm and quiet Lund city not only as my second home, rather it’s containing memory of my life that only I can consider as forever green.
What is currently on your research agenda?
Social Policy, Political Sociology, Ethnicity.
What was your latest research publication about?
2015. Presented a Paper on “Structural Transformation in Bangladesh: An Alarming State of Inequality” at the SASNET conference on Migration, Labour and Family Changes in a Dynamic Region; 20-22th May, Lund University, Sweden
2015. Presented a Seminar Paper on “Risk-minimized Welfare Society through Democratization: Utopia for Bangladesh?” on 11th June at the Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden
2016 Presented a Paper on Historic 7th March speech By Bangabadhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father of Nation.
Mashiur Rahman, Department of Sociology, Lund University, defended his doctoral dissertation entitled ”Struggling Against Exclusion-Adibasi in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh” on Wednesday 8 June 2011. The thesis provides an overview of social policy and poverty among ethnic minorities (Adibasi) in Bangladesh, with a special focus on the Chakma people belonging to the Sonai and Mayni localities, situated in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT). The faculty opponent was Dr. Pernille Gooch, Division of Human Ecology, Lund University.
Professor Mashiur Rahman from the Department of Sociology at Dhaka University, Bangladesh, held a guest lecture at Lund University on Thursday 11 June 2015. Prof. Rahman who defended his PhD at the Dept. of Sociology, Lund University in 2011, was back at this department on a two-months postdoc fellowship funded by SASNET. At the seminar, entitled ”Risk-minimized Welfare Society through Democratization: Utopia for Bangladesh?”, he presented results from his current research hoping to receive useful feedback from the audience.
SASNET South Asian short-term fellowship
In early 2015, SASNET announced the results of applications for short-term (1-2 months) PhD or post-doc fellowship stays at Lund University, financed by SASNET, during the academic year 2015–2016. The positions were open to PhD candidates in their final year, recent PhDs, and post-docs who have been students at universities in South Asia (i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka).