Kristina Myrvold
Visiting professor

Kristina Myrvold earned her Ph.D. in History of Religions from Lund University and is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Linnaeus University with a focus on Indian religions and cultures. Her area of specialization is Sikh and Punjab Studies, focusing on Sikh beliefs, ritual practices and historiography, as well as Indian migration, integration processes and identity formation in the diaspora. She has conducted extensive fieldwork in India and Sweden, and published numerous journal articles and book chapters on the Sikhs and Punjab. Myrvold is the editor of several anthologies about religious scriptures, Sikh migration and youth, and Indian cultural encounters.
Her current research focuses on intersections of religion and technology in Punjab, print history of religious Sikh texts, and the production and use of miniature books in Sikh and Islamic traditions. Since 2015 she has worked on a project entitled “Religion in the Trenches” which investigates the production, distribution, and use of religious scriptures and artefacts among Indian soldiers from Punjab who fought for the British Army during World War I. The project is based on archival research and is funded by the Swedish Research Council (2015-2019). Myrvold is one of the editors of Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism.
As an affiliated researcher at SASNET, Myrvold plans to organize academic events and encourage research that can contribute with new insights into the religious aspects of colonial history, especially in Punjab, and into early encounters in Nordic countries with India and South Asian religions.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Sikh News in India, 1864–1924: Colonial Reports on Vernacular Newspapers of Punjab : Volume Four: Politics of Repression and Reconciliation
(2024) Handbooks of Colonialism in Asia, 4
BookPrint Culture in Colonial Punjab
Kristina Myrvold
(2024) Brill’s Encyclopedia of Sikhism, 2
Article in encyclopediaIndian Religions
Kristina Myrvold, Katarina Plank, Ferdinando Sardella
(2024) The Study of Religions in Sweden : Past, Present, and Future , p.95-111
Book chapterReligion in Times of Crises : Responses to Covid-19 among Muslim, Buddhist, and Sikh Congregations
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paper: abstractCauses and Responses to Crises among Religious Migrant Groups in Sweden
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paper: abstractBrill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Vol. II
(2024) , II
BookSikh News in India, 1864–1924: Colonial Reports on Vernacular Newspapers of Punjab : Volume One: Royalties, Reformers, and Organizations
(2024) Handbooks of Colonialism in Asia, 1
BookSikh News in India, 1864–1924: Colonial Reports on Vernacular Newspapers of Punjab : Volume Two: Religious Places, Practices, and Relations
(2024) Handbooks of Colonialism in Asia, 2
BookSikh News in India, 1864–1924: Colonial Reports on Vernacular Newspapers of Punjab : Volume Three: Migration, Representation, and Reform
(2024) Handbooks of Colonialism in Asia, 3
BookPaludan upprör men flera religioner förstör sina skrifter
Kristina Myrvold
(2023) Sydsvenskan Kultur
Newspaper articleIconic Scriptures in Colonial Punjab : Sikh Religion, Print Culture, and Politics
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paper: abstractSikh Ways of Dying : Religious Ceremonies in Changing Deathscapes
Kristina Myrvold
(2022) Death and Religion in a Changing World
Book chapterInvoking the Guru: : Sikh Religious Practices for Comfort and Coping in a Changing World
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paper: abstractProphecies and Performative Practices on the Western Front: : Religion as a Coping Strategy for Sikh Soldiers in the First World War
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paper: abstractMinnesord för Antoon Geels
Kristina Myrvold, Samuel Byrskog, Olle Qvarnström
(2020) Sydsvenskan , p.39-39
Newspaper articleIndiska röster från första världskriget i kungafamiljens arkiv : Kronprinsessan Margaretas förmedling av “kärleksgåvor” till krigsfångar
Kristina Myrvold
(2020) Religion, 3 p.26-34
Journal articleHindu Soldiers in Europe during the First World War : Religious Books, Symbols and Practices
Kristina Myrvold
(2020) Handbook of oriental studies. Section two, South Asia, 35 p.174-203
Book chapterMiniature Iconic Books
(2019) Postscripts, 9 p.93-284
Editor for a journalReligious Miniature Books : Introduction and Overview
Kristina Myrvold, Dorina Miller Parmenter
(2019) Miniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts , p.1-11
PrefaceMite Qurans for Indian Markets : David Bryce in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Kristina Myrvold
(2019) Postscripts, 9 p.169-193
Journal articleMiniature Qurans in the First World War : Religious Comforts for Indian Muslim Soldiers
Kristina Myrvold, Andreas Johansson
(2019) Postscripts, 9 p.194-221
Journal articleMiniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts
(2019) Comparative Research on Iconic and Performative Texts
BookMiniature Qur'ans in the first world war : Religious comforts for Indian muslim soldiers
Kristina Myrvold, Andreas Johansson
(2019) Miniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts , p.132-157
Book chapterMite Qurans for Indian Markets : David Bryce in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Kristina Myrvold
(2019) Comparative research on iconic and performative texts , p.108-131
Book chapterMiniature Qurans in the First World War : Religious Comforts for Indian Muslim Soldiers
Kristina Myrvold, Andreas Johansson
(2019) Miniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts , p.132-157
Book chapterReligious Miniature Books : Introduction and Overview
Kristina Myrvold, Dorina Miller Parmenter
(2019) Postscripts, 9 p.93-103
Journal article (comment)Introduction
Kristina Myrvold, Knut A. Jacobsen
(2018) Routledge South Asian religion series, 11 p.1-7
PrefaceSoldater räddade av fickbiblar : berättelser om kristet textbruk under första världskriget
Kristina Myrvold
(2018) Religion, 1 p.24-27
Journal articleVisualizing Sikh Warriors, Royalties, and Rebels : Photography in Colonial Punjab
Kristina Myrvold
(2018) Routledge South Asian Religion Series , p.43-74
Book chapterReligion and Technology in India : Spaces, Practices and Authorities
(2018) Routledge South Asian Religion Series, 11
BookDera Sacha Sauda : oroligheter i Indien när religiös ledare döms för våldtäkt
Kristina Myrvold
(2017) Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer
Web publicationIntroduction
Kristina Myrvold, Soniya Billore
(2017) India : Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University
PrefaceGuru Granth : Ceremonial Treatment
Kristina Myrvold
(2017) Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism
Article in encyclopediaOrientalizing’ Bibles in Punjab : Christian Missionaries and Book Printing in Nineteenth Century India
Kristina Myrvold
(2017) India : Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University
Book chapterBrill’s Encyclopedia of Sikhism Vol. 1 : History, Literature, Society, Beyond Punjab
(2017) Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism
BookTalande ting i 1800-talets objektberättelser
Kristina Myrvold
(2016) Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer
Web publicationPhysiological Engagements with a Scriptural Guru : Ritualized Transactions between the Sikhs and Guru Granth Sahib
Kristina Myrvold
Conference - otherMiniature Scriptures for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers in the British Army during World War I
Kristina Myrvold, Andreas Johansson
(2016) Miniature Book Society Newsletter, 101 p.15-16
Journal articleReligion in the Trenches : Miniature Scriptures for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers during WWI
Kristina Myrvold, Andreas Johansson
Conference - otherNām Simran in the Sikh religion
Kristina Myrvold
(2016) Asian Traditions of Meditation , p.103-121
Book chapterSketches of Sikhs in the 1880s : The Swedish Vanadis Expedition and Hjalmar Stolpe's Ethnographical Collection from Travels in Punjab
Kristina Myrvold
(2016) Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, 12 p.1-27
Journal articleReligion in the Trenches : Miniature Scriptures and Artifacts for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers in the British Army during World War I
Kristina Myrvold, Andreas Johansson
Conference - otherThe Materiality of Religious Texts : Miniature Scriptures for Indian Soldiers in World War I
Kristina Myrvold
Conference - otherIntroduction : Young Sikhs in a Global World
Kristina Myrvold, Knut A. Jacobsen
(2015) Young Sikhs in a Global World : Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities
PrefaceForskningsbaserat lärande : Reflektioner kring undervisning och examination
Kristina Myrvold
(2015) Religionsdidaktiska studier
Book chapterDrinking the Guru’s Transformative Words : Uses of Amrit in Sikh Religious Practices
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paper: abstractSikher och sikhism : religiöst liv, representation och traditionsförmedling
Kristina Myrvold
(2015) Det mångreligiösa Sverige : ett landskap i förändring
Book chapterPunjabi across Generations : Language Affiliation and Acquisition among Young Swedish Sikhs
Kristina Myrvold
(2015) Young Sikhs in a Global World : Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities
Book chapterReligion in the Trenches: Miniature Scriptures and Artifacts for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers in the British Army during World War I
Andreas Johansson, Kristina Myrvold
PosterBecoming Swedish Sikhs : Religious Learning and Identification among Sikhs in Sweden
Kristina Myrvold
Conference - otherSikhs in Mainland European Countries
Kristina Myrvold
(2014) The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies , p.513-523
Book chapterMeditative Practices in the Sikh Religion: Performances and Meanings of Nām Simran
Kristina Myrvold
(2014) Meditation in the Eastern Traditions
Book chapterEntextualization of Sikh Texts in Religious Historiographies and Performances
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paper: abstractSikhism and Its Changing Social Structure
Kristina Myrvold, Surinder S. Jodhka
(2014) Routledge Handbook of Religions in Asia , p.63-75
Book chapterReligion in the Trenches : Miniature Scriptures for Sikh Soldiers in the British Army during World War I
Kristina Myrvold
Conference - otherYoung Sikhs in the Nordic Countries : Negotiating Identities, Traditions and Authorities
Kristina Myrvold, Knut A. Jacobsen, Laura Hirvi
Conference - otherObjects of Worship in South Asian Religions : Forms, Practices and Meanings
(2014) Routledge studies in Asian religion and philosophy
BookThe Scripture as a Living Guru : Religious Practices among Contemporary Sikhs
Kristina Myrvold
(2014) Routledge studies in Asian religion and philosophy
Book chapterMaterial objects of worship in the lived religions of South Asia
Knut A. Jacobsen, Mikael Aktor, Kristina Myrvold
(2014) Routledge studies in Asian religion and philosophy , p.1-13
PrefaceEco Ganesha: miljömedvetande och förändrade hinduiska högtider i Indien
Kristina Myrvold
(2013) Sydasien
Journal articleEngaging with the Guru: Sikh Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib
Kristina Myrvold
(2013) Iconic Books and Texts
Book chapterTranslating the Guru's Words to Local and Global Contexts: Katha for Contemporary Sikh Communities
Kristina Myrvold
(2013) Sikh Diaspora: Theory, Agency, and Experience
Book chapterStrukturell diskriminering när asiatiska religioner utestängs från ökade statsbidrag till trossamfund
Kristina Myrvold, Katarina Plank
Web publicationEngaging with the Guru : Sikh Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib
Kristina Myrvold
(2012) Postscripts, 6 p.185-200
Journal articleMaking Pilgrimage Places of the Gurus in Varanasi : Countering Hindu Narratives in Local Sikh Historiography
Kristina Myrvold
(2012) South Asian History and Culture, 3 p.97-115
Journal articleTransnational Sikh Preachers: Local Training and Global Aspiration of Kathavacaks in Punjab
Kristina Myrvold
(2012) Sikhs across Europe: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs
Book chapterTransnational European Sikhs
Kristina Myrvold, Knut A. Jacobsen
(2012) Sikhs across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs
Book chapterContesting and Confirming Religious Authority in the Diaspora: Transnational Communication and the Dasam Granth Controversy in the Nordic Countries
Kristina Myrvold, Knut A. Jacobsen, Ravinder Kaur, Laura Hirvi
(2012) Sikhs across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs
Book chapterMaking the Book a Living Guru: Ritual Practices among Contemporary Sikhs
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paperTänk långsiktigt med religionsvetenskap
Kristina Myrvold, Brita Ahlenius
(2011) Nya Wermlandstidningen
Newspaper articleBristande universitetstänkande i religionsvetenskap
Kristina Myrvold, Brita Ahlenius
(2011) Nya Wermlandstidningen
Newspaper articleThe Swedish Sikhs : Community Building, Representation, and Generational Change
Kristina Myrvold
(2011) Sikhs in Europe : Migration, Identities and Representations , p.63-94
Book chapterIntroduction: Sikhs in Europe
Kristina Myrvold, Knut A. Jacobsen
(2011) Sikhs in Europe: Migration, Identities, and Representations , p.1-15
Book chapterGrowing Academic Interest in European Sikhs
Kristina Myrvold, Laura Hirvi
(2010) The Sikh Foundation
Newspaper articleEngaging with the Guru: Sikh Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib
Kristina Myrvold
(2010) Postscripts, 6
Journal articleIntroduction
Kristina Myrvold
(2010) The Death of Sacred Texts: Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions , p.1-9
Book chapterThe Sikhs in Sweden : Migration, Representation and Generational Change
Kristina Myrvold
Conference - otherMaking the Scripture a Person: Re-inventing Death Rituals of Guru Granth Sahib in Sikhism
Kristina Myrvold
(2010) The Death of Sacred Texts: Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions , p.125-146
Book chapterTextbruk
Kristina Myrvold
(2010) Människor och makter: En introduktion till religionsvetenskap, 2 p.174-178
Book chapterEngaging with the Guru: Contemporary Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paperRemembering the Divine Name: Religious Perceptions and Practices of Nam Simran in the Sikh Religion
Kristina Myrvold
Conference paperSikher och sikhism: med gurun installerad på en tron och svenska poliser i turban
Kristina Myrvold
(2009) Det mångreligiösa Sverige: ett landskap i förändring , p.285-338
Book chapterForskningsbaserad undervisning: Utvärdering av övningar på en religionshistorisk kurs
Kristina Myrvold
OtherI guruns fotspår: pilgrimsresor och platser i samtida sikhism
Kristina Myrvold
(2009) Heliga platser, pilgrimsfärder och andliga resor i vår samtid, 2009 p.31-42
Book chapterPersonifying the Sikh Scripture: Ritual Processions of the Guru Granth Sahib in India
Kristina Myrvold
(2008) South Asian Religions on Display: Religious Processions in South Asia and in the Diaspora , p.140-156
Book chapterInside the Guru's Gate : Ritual Uses of Texts among the Sikhs in Varanasi
Kristina Myrvold
(2007) Lund studies in African and Asian religions, 17
DissertationInside the Guru’s Gate : Ritual Uses of Texts among the Sikhs in Varanasi
Kristina Myrvold
(2007) Lund studies in African and Asian religions, 17
DissertationInside the Guru's Gate: Ritual Uses of Texts among the Sikhs in Varanasi
Kristina Myrvold
(2007) Lund Studies in African and Asian Religions, 17
BookSikhism and Death
Kristina Myrvold
(2006) Death and Religion in a Changing World , p.178-204
Book chapterOsjälvisk tjänst av sikherna
Kristina Myrvold
(2005) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 3 p.42-48
Journal articleHymner från Guru Granth i norsk översättning : poetisk vägledning till kunskap om sikhisk religiös utövning
Kristina Myrvold
(2005) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 4 p.77-84
ReviewChakra: Tidskrift för indiska religioner. Vol 4 Tema: Rituell praktik
(2005) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 4
Editor for a journalChakra: Tidskrift för indiska religioner. Vol 3 Tema: Moderna medier
(2005) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 3
Editor for a journalSikhism i Sverige : att bygga guruns tron genom hängivenhet och osjälvisk tjänst
Kristina Myrvold
(2005) Det mångreligiösa Sverige : ett landskap i förändring
Book chapterChakra: Tidskrift för indiska religioner. Vol 2 Tema: Medicin och terapi
(2004) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 2
Editor for a journalChakra: Tidskrift för indiska religioner. Vol 1 Tema: Kvinnliga gestalter
(2004) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 1
Editor for a journalDe blåklädda helgonkrigarna: sikhiska traditionsbärare i moderniseringsprocess
Kristina Myrvold
(2004) RIT: Religionsvetenskaplig Internettidskrift, 7
Journal articleMed Guruns ord mot demoner : Vadbhag Singh i en sikhisk healingtradition
Kristina Myrvold
(2004) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 2 p.98-116
Journal articleWedding Ceremonies in Punjab
Kristina Myrvold
(2004) Journal of Punjab Studies, 11 p.155-170
Journal articleGenus och yoga i nyandlig vridning: Kvinnliga röster från Yogi Bhajans sikhism
Kristina Myrvold
(2004) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 1 p.126-131
ReviewSikherna stoppar diskriminerande TV-spel
Kristina Myrvold
(2003) Sydasien, 27 p.28-29
Journal articleSikhisk återfödelse mellan två textläsningar - reflektioner kring textbruk i Varanasi
Kristina Myrvold
(2002) RIT: Religionsvetenskaplig Internettidskrift, 4
Journal articleGuds namn går att låna på banken i Varanasi
Kristina Myrvold
(2002) Sydasien, 26 p.16-17
Journal articleBibi Jagir Kaur bryter manlig dominans inom sikhismen
Kristina Myrvold
(1999) Sydasien, 23 p.24-24
Journal articleMöte med Namdhari-sikhernas andliga överhuvud SatGuru Jagjit Singh ji
Kristina Myrvold
(1999) Sydasien, 23
Journal article