The Award has been awarded since 2022 and is given to an excellent Bachelor or Master thesis in the humanities or social sciences (broadly conceived), which has been submitted and defended by a student at Lund University.
To be eligible to win, your thesis must have received the highest marks (A, B or VG) during the ongoing academic year (2022-2023) at Lund University. The topic of the thesis must be connected to at least one of the South Asian countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka). This means that you may nominate your own thesis, written in the Autumn term 2022 or nominate your coming thesis for Spring 2023 - once it has been graded and defended at the University.
Students, supervisors, examiners, and Heads of Departments may nominate a thesis.
Are you interested to know more? Please read the full description about the Award here.