SASNET annually grants a Lund University student the Best South Asia Thesis Award for an excellent Bachelor or Master thesis in the humanities or social sciences. You are now able to nominate a thesis for the ongoing academic year of 2023/2024.
To be eligible, the thesis topic must connect to the region of South Asia and at least of the following countries; Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka. The thesis can be written in the Autumn semester of 2023 or you can nominate a coming thesis of the 2024 Spring semester (once it has been graded and defended at the University).
The winner of the Award will be granted a diploma as well as 5 000 SEK. The prize will be awarded at the SASNET annual symposium in October 2024.
Students, supervisors, examiners, and Heads of Departments may nominate a thesis. Self-nominations are also accepted.
Application deadline is 31 August 2024.
The winning thesis will be selected by a jury appointed by SASNET.
Read more about the nomination requirements and how to apply here.