Vibodh Parthasarathi and Andreas Mattsson, program director at LU School of Journalism, participated in a panel talk at the Press Club in central Brussels on May 13. The discussion was led by Jean-Luc Racine, Emeritus CNRS Senior Fellow at the Centre for South Asian Studies (School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences -EHESS- Paris), and focused on the role of media when India and Sweden go to the polls. During this panel talk, several discussions around the role of false news, des- and misinformation, and the role of the media organizations were discussed.
On May 16 Institute for Media studies at KU Leuven hosted a brown bag seminar entitled "Truth-Tellers and News: Perspectives on India and Sweden" where Andreas and Vibodh shared their experiences of cross-country research in the field of digital journalism. They also presented the pedagogical concept on "pop-up newsroom" which they previously have worked together to resist false news and introduced the Swedish concept of 'sanningssägare', literally 'truth tellers' in order to broaden the understanding of so-called 'fake news'.
Vibodh Parthasarathi is currently a Visiting Fellow at Metaforum, KU Leuven, and on extra-ordinary leave from Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi. Andreas Mattsson is the program director and a lecturer at School of Journalism at Lund University.