Andreas Mattsson

Andreas Mattsson is a lecturer and program director at the School of Journalism at the Department of Communication and Media, Lund University. He is also a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki and the coordinator for the platform Researchers Meet Filmmakers.
He initiated the SASNET funded Sweden–South Asia Media Project. Besides his university assignments, he works as a freelance journalist for various Swedish and Nordic newspapers and magazines. Over the past years, he has collaborated with Vibodh Parthasarathi, associate professor at Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi on research initiatives, academic workshops and public engagements in both Sweden and India. Their research interests are at the intersection of journalism practice, digital technology and governance in comparative international perspective, with specific concern on values of access and diversity Andreas’ current research project, funded by the International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD), is called ”The Role of Social Norms in Fighting Corruption in Local Governments”. Together with Måns Svensson, associate professor in Sociology of Law, he will analyze the dynamics that underlie corruption, and the significance of local informal social norms, in relation to, international anti-corruption conventions and national law, when building counteraction strategies on a local level.
As an affiliated researcher at SASNET, Andreas Mattsson plans to organize academic events focusing on the media development in South Asia. He will also continue foster collaborations, within and beyond Lund University, and encourage research in connection to his research topics and South Asia.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Exporting Journalism Culture to Vietnam : The Role of the Trainer in Two Swedish Media Aid Projects
Andreas Mattsson
(2022) Journalism Studies, 23 p.1669-1686
Journal articleTransforming journalism in Vietnam : An exploration of two Swedish Media Aid projects
Andreas Mattsson
(2022) Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 11 p.227-247
Journal articleMulti-Level Perspectives on Anti-Corruption : A Systematic Literature Review
Måns Svensson, Thomas Labik Amanquandor, Andreas Mattsson
(2022) ICLD Working Papers, 18
Working paperThe Role of Social Norms in Reducing Corruption in Education : A Case Study of Schools in Hanoi-Vietnam
Thomas Labik Amanquandor, Måns Svensson, Andreas Mattsson
(2022) ICLD Research Report
ReportTransforming Journalism in Vietnam : An exploration of two Swedish Media Aid projects
Andreas Mattsson
Conference paper: abstractUsing Social Norms to Fight Corruption in Local Governments : A Case Study of the School System in Hanoi, Vietnam
Andreas Mattsson, Måns Svensson
(2021) ICLD - Policy Brief
ReportUnderstanding of social norms to increase quality in political reform : Reflections from Local Democracy Academy 2020
Andreas Mattsson
Web publicationDatafication as a Trend for Journalism : a Journalist’s Perspective
Andreas Mattsson
(2020) Routledge Handbooks in Religion
Article in encyclopediaThe Informal Decision Making and Management in Newsrooms in Vietnam : The Impact of Dysfunctional Norms on Journalism
Andreas Mattsson
Conference paper: abstractDebunking False News : Inside and Outside the Classroom
Vibodh Parthasarathi, Andreas Mattsson
(2019) IIC Quarterly, 45 p.137-145
Journal articleA pop-up newsroom to fight fake news: a view from Swedish elections
Andreas Mattsson, Vibodh Parthasarathi
(2018) The Conversation
Journal articleRedaktionellt arbete i förändring
Andreas Mattsson, Ola Isaksson
(2017) Sociala medier : vetenskapliga perspektiv
Book chapterLåt seriös journalistik bli en paus i Pokemon-letandet
Andreas Mattsson
(2016) Magasinet Horisont
Journal articleNär karriären krackelerar? : En studie om hur unga journalister tänker kring situationen på arbetsmarknaden
Andreas Mattsson
Master's Thesis