Therese Boje Mortensen
Postdoctoral fellow

Therese Boje Mortensen is a PhD student in Human Rights Studies at Lund University. She holds a BA in South Asian Studies from Copenhagen University, and an MA in Human Rights and Democratisation from the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation. Under the umbrella of global-local dynamics related to the Convention on the Rights of the Child in India, her research has been concerned with topics such as human rights education in the cultural context of Rajasthan, and local perceptions of institutional care of children.
Her PhD project is concerned with the role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as de facto ‘duty bearers’ of human rights, specifically children’s protection rights in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Through an ethnographic study of ChildLine, a 24-hour helpline for children, Therese explores how children’s rights are affected in practice when significant aspects of child protection are left dependent on local NGOs; and discusses the notion of “universal human rights” in a context where the state retreats as the de facto duty bearer.
As a SASNET affiliated researcher, Therese plans to publish articles within SASNET’s outlets as well as organise and participate in academic events focused on India and human rights.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Eleonor Marcussen, Acts of aid: Politics of Relief and Reconstruction in the 1934 Bihar-Nepal Earthquake (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2022). 363 s.
Therese Boje Mortensen
(2024) Historisk Tidskrift, 144
ReviewIntergenerational Equity in India's National Green Tribunal
Therese Boje Mortensen
(2024) , p.17-18
Conference paper: abstractRe-thinking civil society in a polarised world : The importance of being both duty-bearers and rights-holders
Therese Boje Mortensen, Emelie Lantz
Conference - otherHuman Rights as Social Service : Vernacular Rights Cultures and Overlapping Ethical Discourses at an Indian Child Rights NGO
Therese Mortensen
(2024) Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 42 p.234-251
Journal articleMaking Bureaucracy Work: Norms, Education and Public Service Delivery in Rural India
Therese Mortensen
(2024) Contemporary South Asia, 32 p.114-115
Therese Boje Mortensen
(2023) Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 33 p.191-208
Book chapterHuman rights as social service : vernacular rights cultures in a rights-based and neoliberal India
Therese Mortensen
(2023) , p.528-528
Conference paper: abstractChild Participation : From Radical Principle to Routine Activity in India’s Largest Child Rights Scheme
Therese Boje Mortensen
(2023) Research Report in Sociology of Law , p.276-291
Report chapterChildren of the Rights Revolution : The Role of Children’s Rights in India’s Rights-based Legislation 2004-2014
Therese Boje Mortensen
Conference paper: abstractNGOs as child rights implementers in India : How NGO workers negotiate human rights responsibility in 'partnership' with a neoliberal and restrictive state
Therese Boje Mortensen
DissertationNon-Governmental Organisations and the United Nations Human Rights System : by Fiona McGaughey, Routledge, 2021
Therese Mortensen
(2022) Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 40 p.584-587
ReviewEmergency Helplines in Emergency Times
Therese Mortensen
(2021) GC Human Rights Preparedness
Web publicationThe Marketisation of Human Rights Duties : What Happens to a Right When the Duty Bearer Is Not (only) the State)
Therese Mortensen
Conference - otherDigitalising the Ethnographic Field in and Post Covid-19 : How (a study of ) child rights activism in India moved online
Therese Mortensen
(2020) Chakra: tidskrift för indiska religioner, 2020 (Special Issue) p.67-75
Journal articleContesting and Homogenising the “Rights-Based Approach” : Child Rights Norms in State and NGO Discourse in India
Therese Mortensen
Conference paper: abstractStäller om från rättigheter till nödhjälp under ”lockdown”
Therese Mortensen
(2020) Sydasien
Journal articlePartnering with civil society or privatising human rights duties? : The construction of voluntary organisations as quasi-legal duty bearers in Indian law and policy
Therese Mortensen
Conference - otherBenefits and problems with non-legal and nongovernmental avenues for access to justice for children
Therese Mortensen
Conference paper: abstractIndiens regeringsprogram når långt ut i landet – men det gör inte de statsanställda
Therese Boje Mortensen
(2019) Sydasien
Journal articleLocalising De-Institutionalisation : The Potentials of Article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Context of Rajasthan, India
Therese Mortensen
(2018) Asia in Focus, 5
Journal article