Johan Nilsson

Johan Nilsson is a PhD in the history of religions at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University. Nilsson's primary focus of study is esoteric and occult movements active during the 19th and 20th century. He has recently successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, As a Fire Beneath the Ashes: The Quest for Chinese Wisdom within Occultism, 1850-1949.
At SASNET, Johan works on his grant proposal on "The reception of South Asian religion in Swedish Theosophy".
Project description:
At the turn of the 20th century Theosophy was something of a trend among artistic and intellectual circles around the world, and, although the movement was only moderately successful in terms of membership figures, Theosophy became, for a time, culturally very influential. Originally founded in New York, at the end of the 19th century the Theosophical Society opened local chapters all around the world. Theosophy, however, would soon become especially active in India and Ceylon. This was, in part, a consequence of the societies particular interest in the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. According to the teachings of Theosophy, all religions of the world contain religious truths believed to have been inherited from pre-historical times. Hinduism and Buddhism, however, were believed to have preserved the tradition of ancient wisdom to a higher degree than other religions.
Globally, Theosophy was an important context through which concepts, practices and, to some extent, social networks related to South Asian religions spread in Europe and America in the early 20th century.
In 1889, the Theosophical Society was established in Sweden, opening local chapters in several cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Lund, among them. Swedish Theosophy impacted the cultural and scientific life of its time, provoking positive and negative reactions from artists and scholars in the early 20th century. Little is known, however, about the interest Theosophists in Sweden took in Buddhism and Hinduism. With the support of SASNET Johan will prepare a project tracing the reception of South Asian religion in Swedish Theosophy.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
What about fields and cows? Theosophy, life reform and the concept of natural living
Johan Nilsson
Conference paper: abstractSweden
Per Faxneld, Katarina Plank, Johan Nilsson
(2024) Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society, 29 p.321-344
Book chapterAn Exoticism of Rationality and Social Order? : Examining the East-West Binary in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Esoteric Representations of China
Johan Nilsson
(2024) Appropriating the Dao : The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China , p.145-162
Book chapterTurning further East : C.H.A. Bjerregaard and the esoteric enthusiasm for Daoism
Johan Nilsson
(2024) Appropriating the Dao : The Euro-American Esoteric Reception of China , p.109-124
Book chapterManipulating the Sticks : Reconstructing Aleister Crowley’s Use of Yijing Divination
Johan Nilsson
(2024) Brill Handbook on Contemporary Religion, 22 p.135-147
Book chapterSatanism : A Reader
Book“If the Kingdom be Ruled According to the Tao” : Politics as “Eastern Wisdom” in Aleister Crowley’s Reception of the Daodejing
Johan Nilsson
(2023) Numen, 71 p.94-109
Journal articleStarving the Animal Within : Vegetarianism as Spiritual Development and Eastern Wisdom in Early Swedish Theosophy
Johan Nilsson
(2023) Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities , p.277-294
Book chapterThe Satanic Reds, "FAQ for Satanic Reds - Social Realist Organization" (circa 2001)
Johan Nilsson
(2023) Satanism : A Reader , p.285-305
Book chapterKenneth Grant (Typhonian Order), "Vinum Sabbati" (1961)
Johan Nilsson
(2023) Satanism : A Reader , p.174-186
Book chapterBen Kadosh (aka Carl William Hansen), Den ny morgens gry (1906)
Johan Nilsson
(2023) Satanism : A Reader , p.122-134
Book chapterAleister Crowley, "Hymn to Lucifer" (undated) and The Book of Thoth (1944)
Johan Nilsson
(2023) Satanism : A Reader , p.153-173
Book chapterKunglig förening : Den teosofiska raja yoga-pedagogiken och det tidiga 1900-talets yogareception
Johan Nilsson
(2021) AURA - Tidsskrift for akademiske studier av nyreligiøsitet, 12 p.25-40
Journal articleAs a Fire Beneath the Ashes : The Quest for Chinese Wisdom within Occultism, 1850-1949.
Johan Nilsson
DissertationAstralkroppar i partiets tjänst : Teosofi och buddhism i Kata Dalströms socialdemokrati
Johan Nilsson
(2020) Religion, 3 p.20-25
Journal articleFill me the Cup of the Poppy Circean! : Opium Literature and the Sacralization of Intoxicants in Turn of the Century Occultism
Johan Nilsson
Conference paper: abstractOrgier, kannibalism och hädiska riter: den svarta mässan från antiken till idag
Paul Linjamaa, Johan Nilsson
(2018) Religion, 1 p.4-9
Journal articleAleister Crowley and the Temptation of Politics
Johan Nilsson
(2015) Nova Religio, 18 p.140-141
ReviewDefending Paper Gods : Aleister Crowley and the Reception of Daoism in Early Twentieth Century Esotericism
Johan Nilsson
(2013) Correspondences, 1.1 p.103-127
Journal article