A total number of 49 panels and 480 papers were accepted, including interesting panels on Mediating South Asian religious traditions; Politicizing Hunger: Famine, Food security and Political Legitimacy in South Asia (19th & 20th century); Print journalism in modern South Asia; Security challenges in contemporary India-Pakistan relations; and Policing the city – how public order and security are conceptualised and delivered in contemporary South Asia.
The 24th ECSAS’ keynote speaker was Sumit Guha, Professor of History at the University of Texas in Austin, the author of the highly acclaimed book ”Beyond Caste Identity and Power in South Asia, Past and Present”. Full information on thhe conference web site.
SASNET deputy director Lars Ekund, also treasuer for the EASAS, partipated in the conference and networked with SASNET partners.See his reports on Facebook:
First day (Wednesday 27 July) .Day 1.
Second day (Thursday 28 July) Day 2.
Third day (Friday 29 July) Day 3.
Fourth day (Saturday 30 July)
The ECSAS has met regularly since 1968, and has provided an important opportunity to discuss current research and scholarship on topics relating to South Asia within the humanities and social sciences. The 2004 conference was organised by SASNET in Lund, see the 2004 conference page.
The most recent ECSAS conference was held in Zurich, Switzerland, in July 2014. SASNET was represented at this conference by Lars Eklund and Hawwa Lubna.